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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社



公告 Declaration
公告 Declaration
经济1:路线图 Econ 1: Road Map
课程结构与要求 Course Structure and Requirements
经济学的基本核心 The Basic Core of Economics
开始:欢迎选择,稀缺性,机会成本和生产可能性 Getting Started: Welcome to Choice, Scarcity, Opportunity Cost & Production Possibilities
观察和解释经济 Observing and Explaining the Economy
供给和需求模型 The Supply and Demand Model
使用供给和需求模型 Using the Supply and Demand Model
竞争均衡模型 The Competitive Equilibrium Model
衍生需求 Deriving Demand
衍生供给 Deriving Supply
市场均衡和效率 Market Equilibrium and Efficiency
企业和行业的周期变动 Firms and Industries Changing Over Time
随时间推移企业成本和变化 Cost and the Changes at Firms Over Time
企业和行业的兴衰 The Rise and Fall of Firms and Industries
偏离竞争 Deviations from Competition
垄断和市场权力 Monopoly and Market Power
垄断和竞争 Between Monopoly and Competition
反垄断政策与规制 Antitrust Policy and Regulation
劳动力市场 Labor Markets
劳动力供给和需求模型 The Labor Supply and Demand Model
劳动模范续–分钟工资歧视 Labor Model Cont. – Min. Wage and Discrimination
主要经济政策问题 Key Economic Policy Issues
税收政策,转移和收入分配 Tax Policy, Transfers and Income Distribution
公共物品与外部性 Public Goods and Externalities
政府失灵与效率 Government Failure and Success
金融和资本市场 Financial and Capital Markets
物质资本市场 Markets for Physical Capital
金融市场:风险与收益 Financial Markets: Risk and Return
宏观经济学:大背景 Macroeconomics: The Big Picture
从宏观经济思想开始 Getting Started with Macroeconomic Ideas
衡量国家的生产、收入和支出 Measuring Production, Income and Spending of Nations
长期宏观经济学 Long Run Macroeconomics
决定消费,投资和政府股份 Determining Consumption, Investment and Government Shares
就业与失业 Employment and Unemployment
生产力经济学,生长和决定因素 Econ. Growth and Determining Factors
货币视角,通货膨胀与美联储 A Look at Money, Inflation and the Fed
可选配置 Optional Assignment
短期宏观 Short Run Macro
经济波动概论 Introduction to Economic Fluctuations
经济波动模型 The Economic Fluctuations Model
使用ADIA模型 Using the ADIA Model
宏观政策问题 Macro Policy Issues
宏观政策介绍 Intro to Macro Policy
财政政策 Fiscal Policy
货币政策 Monetary Policy
货币政策分析 Monetary Policy Analysis
国际贸易 International Trade
国际贸易收益 Gains From International Trade
关键政策问题 Key Policy Issues
公告 Declaration
公告 Declaration



